想找獨特設計 「選‧台北」為您發掘市場新秀商品
- 個人獨享
- 生活就是要美好事物的加持,無論食衣住行你可以在「選‧台北」發現生活的驚喜,一起來探索生活美學為人生帶來的美好吧。
- 送禮精選
- 「選‧台北」探詢新秀設計,讓您找到市場特色文創商品,為您的心意增添那份獨特質感。
- 商機合作
- 找尋文創商品或設計品牌合作,「選‧台北」擁有文創產業輔導資源並與松山文創園區「文創原創基地」合作,每年培育新秀設計商品,您能夠在這裡看見差異化商機的合作機會。
- 加入文創
- Taipei Classics is an online platform dedicated to gathering Taiwan‘s cultural and creative brands, and showcasing their talent. The Taipei Cultural and Creative Industry Cultivation Plan — implemented by the Taipei Culture Foundation (TCF) under the auspices of the Taipei City Government’s Department of Cultural Affairs — has over the years fostered the growth of local cultural and creative brands, following the core principle of “creativity.” The plan aims to help these brands flourish domestically and expand overseas, boosting the visibility of Taiwan‘s cultural and creative market.Join Us!